Discover how to overcome any feelings of fear and deal with any negative experiences of evangelism.
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Discover how to overcome any feelings of fear and deal with any negative experiences of evangelism.
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Evangelism Reimagined Podcast introduces you to God’s dream and helps you learn to recognise God’s invitations into evangelistic moments.
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In this interview with Mark & Fiona Gilpin, they discuss why so many Christians struggle with evangelism, what the God-given answers are, and how we can enjoy evangelism.
Mark explores how as churches we can grow together evangelistically. Using three passages from Acts, he discusses how God wants to invite us into what he is already doing in the lives of unbelievers around us.
The early disciples returned with joy after doing evangelism, which is how we are meant to experience it. Fiona interviews Jess about her journey from fear to evangelistic freedom.
Mark shares God's solutions for fear and anxiety including his own journey to freedom.
Fiona shares biblical keys to live from a place of faith, not fear and anxiety.
Mark and Fiona describe how to build an evangelistic culture within a church. They explore what the role of an evangelist is within this process.
We are called to be the light of the world. God invites us into evangelistic moments and Fiona explains through a number of stories how this happens.
Mark describes evangelism within the context of God's Dream. God has a dream to reconcile the world to himself and he invites us to join with him in its fulfilment. Evangelism is a privilege!
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